
University of Bremen

The University of Bremen is represented in the project by 5 faculties, namely FB1 (Physics), FB3 (Mathematics), FB5 (Geosciences), FB7 (Economics) and Research faculty MARUM. MARUM, the Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences, pro­duces fun­da­mental sci­entific know­ledge about the role of the ocean and the ocean floor in the total Earth sys­tem. The dy­nam­ics of the ocean and the ocean floor sig­ni­fic­antly im­pact the en­tire Earth sys­tem through the in­ter­ac­tion of geo­lo­gical, phys­ical, bio­lo­gical and chem­ical pro­cesses. These in­flu­ence both the cli­mate and the global car­bon cycle, and cre­ate unique bio­lo­gical sys­tems. MARUM is com­mit­ted to fun­da­mental and un­biased re­search in the in­terests of so­ci­ety and the mar­ine en­vir­on­ment, and in ac­cord­ance with the Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment Goals of the United Na­tions. It pub­lishes its qual­ity-as­sured sci­entific data and makes it pub­licly avail­able. MARUM in­forms the pub­lic about new dis­cov­er­ies in the mar­ine en­vir­on­ment and provides prac­tical know­ledge through its dia­logue with so­ci­ety. MARUM co­oper­ates with com­mer­cial and in­dus­trial part­ners in ac­cord­ance with its goal of pro­tect­ing the mar­ine en­vir­on­ment.


GEOMAR led the first EU program to assess the environmental risks of CO2 storage in the North Sea (2011-2015, and participated in the Horizon 2020 project STEMM-CCS (2016-2020,, which raised the technical level for monitoring CO2 storage sites in the North Sea to industrial applicability (TRL 7). GEOMAR has shown that fluid bypass systems are an efficient way to transport gas to the seafloor. Observations on the seafloor suggest that natural gas or CO2 does not rise through the wells, but rather through the adjacent sediments and rocks that were mechanically disturbed and weakened during the drilling process. Whether these observations suggest that drilling through barrier formations of reservoirs could create highly permeable pathways for CO2 leakage remains to be seen.

Sea & Sun Technology

Sea & Sun Technology GmbH is a global system provider for underwater sensor technology ( Our SST team develops, manufactures and distributes high precision underwater probes for applications in oceanography, limnology, groundwater and wastewater. Multiparameter probes in titanium design can combine 3 to 11 sensors. The range of marine products extends from shallow water probes to ultra-deep sea probes (up to 11 km water depth). The sensor range includes: Accelerometer, Altimeter, Conductivity detector, Current meter, Fluorometer, Radiation intensity sensor (PAR), Oil detector, Oxygen sensor, pH sensor, Pressure meter, Redox sensor, Shear sensor and Temperature sensor. The in-house calibration laboratory is not only used to calibrate physical parameters at the site, but also provides calibration of sensors from other manufacturers and training on the sensors. SST is also available for development work when precisely fitting solutions are sought for special tasks and harsh measurement environments, such as in Arctic ice and flooded mines.

Fraunhofer IPM

The Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM develops customized measurement techniques and systems for industrial partners ( In the “Gas and Process Technology” business unit, Fraunhofer IPM realizes and manufactures measurement and control systems according to customer-specific requirements. These systems are characterized by short measurement times, high precision and reliability, even under extreme conditions. Our spectroscopic systems for the detection and analysis of gases, liquids and solids are based on methods such as Raman, ATR or laser spectroscopy.

The Spectroscopy and Process Analytics group headed by Dr. Raimund Brunner has been successfully involved for many years in projects in the field of ATR spectroscopy for the beverage and chemical industries, among others. In addition to individual dissolved gas components, substances such as sugar derivatives or lipids are of interest here.